Chinese Medicine Tongue Analysis
Chinese medicine looks carefully at the tongue as a tool for past and present health analysis. The shape, size, color, and coating provide information about qualities of health and history, such as the strength of digestion, the status of hydration, the presence of heat or inflammation, and long-term or chronic worry. Different organs and channels are mapped onto the tongue. Analysis of the tongue helps to determine the presence of imbalances and disharmonies and will guide the selection of foods and herbs that can be directly helpful to your current health condition.
How to take photos for tongue reading:
The morning before our session, please send a couple of well-focused selfie photos of your tongue - at least one of the top and one of the bottom/underside. Please take these photos before eating or at least one hour after eating. Try to avoid foods that could color your tongue (beets, candies, coffee, etc.) when you are preparing to take these photos.
For the top photo, stick out your tongue naturally - without force or strain - in natural light or near a window. Take a photo that captures the whole tongue from front to back.
Do not stick your tongue out for more than 10-15 seconds because the tongue coating will dry out.
For the bottom photo, place the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth and open your jaw as wide as you can.
If you take a few photos, just be sure to rest your tongue in between photos for better accuracy.